
Lime Bootstrap App

The Lime Bootstrap app expects a config object with the following parameters:

<div data-app="{
    config: {
        businessCheck: {
            customerLoginName: 'CustomerX',
            userLoginName: lbs.common.executeVBA('Your VBA function here'),
            password: lbs.common.executeVBA('Your VBA function here'),
            packageName: 'CustomerXRatingPackage'

The app should be placed just below the Actionpad header, i.e., the <div> with class="header-container".


Parameter Values Default Value Comment
{ provider config } businessCheck, creditsafe, experian, soliditet required object with provider properties such as user, password. See definitions per provider further down.
maxAge Optional 365 Integer specifying the maximum age of the rating in days.
alwaysExpanded Optional true Boolean specifing if it should be expanded from start. For usage in an Actionpad it can be set to either true or false. If using the app in an HTML field instead it must be set to true.
onlyAllowPublicCompanies Optional false If false you can perform creditchecks on all companies or persons. However they will receive a letter and there will be an additional cost.
showValueAfterHover Optional true Set to false if the actual rating value should not be shown after hover instead of the icon.
permissions Array Empty object that can contain a property called canGetRating which is an array where you can specify a list of strings with the names of the groups that will be allowed to actually perform a new credit check.
useMockData Optional false Useful during development only. Include this property in the config and set it to true in order to NOT perform a web service call to the credit information provider and instead use mock data defined in the js file for each provider. Only implemented for CreditSafe at the moment.

Provider configuration

Parameter Comment
customerLoginName provider specific
userLoginName provider specific
password provider specific
packageName provider specific

Creditsafe setup

To configure this add-on with CreditSafe as supplier the customer needs to have a package from CreditSafe. Webservice access also needs to be allowed by CreditSafe. CreditSafe offers two different type of packages but only the credit-template package is currently supported in this add-on.


  • Supported by this add-on.
  • URL:
  • Either approves or disapproves a company according to a template the customer has defined.

The customer needs to contact CreditSafe and make an agreement to use a credit template and fill in a form specifying their credit template. The template has a package name, a password and a customer login name that are needed to configure this add-on. The parameter language should be set to SWE for Swedish customers.

<div data-app="{
    config: {
        maxAge: 90,
        showValueAfterHover: false,
        creditsafe: {
            customerLoginName : 'LOGINNAME',
            password : 'PASSWORD',
            packageName : 'NAME OF CREDIT TEMPLATE',
            language  :  'LANGUAGE CODE'

The response of a credit request is either approved or disapproved depending on the setup in the form. A return status code of 2 means disapproved and 1 means approved. The status is shown by the add-on as either a green or a red banner.


  • Currently not supported by this add-on.
  • URL:
  • Gives a possibility to also include company data.

There are two different type of data blocks. The Basic block only contains company data and the Credit block also includes credit information.

The difference compared to a CREDIT-TEMPLATE is that the credit block has a credit value (ranging from 0 -- 100). Using the DATA-BLOCK therefore means that the customer needs to have a process to decide what a certain credit value really means. Each user needs to know how to handle different credit values and also how to weigh in other aspects that could affect the credit rating. Using the CREDIT-TEMPLATE instead, it is a one-time thing to define this in the form.


  • Supported by this add-on.
<div data-app="{
    config: {
        maxAge: 90,
        provider: 'creditsafe_global',
        availableCountries: ['NO', 'SE']